“Flight attendants, please prepare the cabin for landing.”

Portland here we come. I am so hesitant and worried about this mini-trip. Watching people play Tetris is not going to be fun. We are supposed to attend a gathering tonight with numerous Tetris community members. I am going to be so bored. There will be not a single person there for me to talk to.

We walk up the steps to the house. We are warmly welcomed. With the first step through the door, the Tetris talk begins. This is going to be a long evening.

Bo never leaves my side. Making sure that I feel included in conversations with others; also having side conversations as well. I feel as though I am holding him back from experiencing this to its full potential. I go back to the hotel.

Something with such meaning to him as Tetris and I am unable to enjoy it as much as he. This is something that deeply aches inside of me. It’s not that I don’t support him but I just cannot divulge myself into something such as this. A quick phone call home helps to steady my thoughts before I spill over with emotion.

Tomorrow will be a better day, I hope. It has to be. Its qualifications. That has to be exciting, right? I try to convince myself but am not all that successful.

Kelsey Verdoes
9/24/2013 04:04:36 am

I hope your day is going better than how your day had went yesterday! Sometimes it is hard going somewhere with someone when you will be the one not knowing anybody. I get that feeling all the time as well! I hope you do enjoy it though, because remember you only live once :)

9/24/2013 10:29:47 am

I completely understand the feeling of not enjoying something and because of it holding someone back from really experiencing something. I have been there with my husband and racing. He loves it. I don't and he has wanted me to go to them with him and I don't want to be a downer if I tag along so I let him go alone!

9/24/2013 01:40:45 pm

I know what you mean. There are things that I do to support my husband because it is something he likes to do. I let him know that I really don't like doing it, but that I really want to support him and if he does not feel like I am bringing him down, I will go with him a couple of times. Hopefully, if you are doing something with the other person that you really do not enjoy and there is something you would like that person to do with you, he/she will even if they do not like it.


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