Bo may claim fallacy in what I write throughout some of the future blogs, including this one. This is only because the information is from my perspective and not exactly how he viewed it.

He often claims that my accusations are over exaggerated and dramatic. This may very well be, I am quite the drama queen, but never the less, it is how I felt and reacted at the time.

After attending the movie, Bo was determined to become the player that he once was. He didn’t care about the amount of hours he would have to dedicate to this game; he would prevail.

I am not completely sure how life would have been if we were living separately when he decided to undergo this operation. Living under the same roof and I barely got to spend time with him since his butt was permanently glued to his “Tetris Chair,” eyes locked on his newly acquired CRT television.

*You may notice that I mention CRT televisions quite frequently. This is because Tetris and other games played on older consoles have a significant delay when played on new televisions.

Throughout this time period, I had such a hate towards the game of Tetris that even hearing the word made me cringe. The stupid repetitive noise was constantly in my head (Tetris Effect.) I hated hearing about the successes he had achieved because that meant he would be playing more in hopes of continually improving.

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