‘King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters’ is a documentary that follows dedicated video gamers competing against one another to break world records of classic video games; specifically following Steve Wiebe on his intense journey to beat Billy Mitchell’s score in the well-known game, Donkey Kong. Twin Galaxies, the official keepers are video game World Records, is frequently mentioned throughout the documentary.

Sparking interest, Bo visited their website; curious to find out records held in NES Tetris. Surprise surprise.

Thinking that he could have potentially held a World Record with his 290 lines (discussed previously)

His small amount of hope was quickly stomped flat – someone had received a valid World Record with 296 lines. A valid World Record means that there is legitimate video proof that complies with the rules created by Twin Galaxy. No pausing, must show start menu screen… etc.

Now days, the number of lines accomplished is a laughable achievement. Overall total points and transition scores are all that truly matter. (Transition score refers to the score when switching from one level to the next) These transition scores will give insight into whether or not the player in on a max-out pace.

I apologize for the amount of dry, filler information provided from time to time. Explanations into numerous terms and side information are a necessity when it comes to the wacky world of Tetris.

9/11/2013 08:09:07 am

I've seen "King of Kong"-- it's a great documentary, a completely fascinating glimpse into a world that I had known nothing about. This blog strikes me as accomplishing a similar purpose!

And don't worry about "dry, filler" information... The language and the way the game is talked about complete and color the picture of what you're trying to recreate for us.


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