So many great stories begin with the ending. A climax is an exciting and detrimental aspect to any good story but the buildup is often times much more impressive.

Anyone who is intensely into the game of Tetris knows that the ultimate goal is to achieve what is known as a max-out; receiving the ultimate score of 999,999. There is no higher score that can be reached when playing NES Tetris. Those within the Tetris community (yes, there is a group of individuals who devote hours upon hours of their lives to this game) hope and strive to achieve this goal. On August 28, 2013 there were only 9 people who have reached this success but that was soon to change…

The morning of August 29, 2013 around 1:38 am I was abruptly awoken. Screams filled the bedroom as I rubbed my tired eyes in an attempt to figure out what happened. The words, “MAX-OUT” came flooding through my head. He had done it, after just a little over a year; he had finally accomplished what he had set out to do. Energy and excitement burst through my body as if I was sitting front row at a Jonas Brothers' concert. My mind was still in a daze as he led me downstairs to show me what he had accomplished. Bo Steil was the tenth person in the world to reach a max-out on NES Tetris.

I just could not wrap my head around this news. The number of hours put into this goal. So many people knew he was capable of this success but none knew the time it would happen. Either way, the deed had been done. A check-mark on the list of goals had been made. Bo Steil now held another World Record in NES Tetris. (Yes, I said another... But we will get to that at a different time.)

Three days later the initial shock and excitement has diminished. Euphoria still hangs in the air.

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