I would like everyone to press rewind as we head back in time to November 11, 2012.

Bo Steil has decided today is the day; he is going to earn a world record.

Everything must be in its correct and proper position.

The laptop is strategically placed on the table next to him; the television can be seen on the monitor thanks to the nifty webcam. The red circle signifying record is just begging to be pressed.

The  cartridge is placed into the top loader NES. With controller in hand, Tengen Tetris is ready to be played.

I leave Bo to his outrageous idea of playing this never ending game as I head to work. Both of us knowing it is a bad idea for this attempt to occur with me present. Especially with my excessive need for attention at times. I would not be willing to be completely ignored for such a time due to something so unimportant in my eyes.

A world record in both lines and score is achieved.

Lines – 5,597

Score – 10,481, 215

An overall playing time of 4 hours.

Only stopping because he had to go the land of tape… aka work.

*This particular variation of the game is a continuous Tetris in which an end doesn’t exist. Constantly falling Tetromenos fill the screen until you either top out or you no longer wish to continue. Unlike NES Tetris where the speed continues to accelerate, a playable pace is eventually reached; making survival possible. There is strategy and skill involved but also a certain amount of stamina.

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