Tetris. Many of us are guilty of encountering this game at some point throughout our lifetime. Watching the familiar pieces glide downwards as we strategically place each one to fit just right with the others. As the levels increased, so did the speed; resulting in devastation when it was too much to handle.

So many people believe they are ‘good’ at this particular game. Stating that they have reached so many lines or received a particularly high score is impressive; however, only 10 people have reached the highly sought after score of 999,999.

You may be wondering, “Why is someone writing a blog about Tetris?” This is not a blog about the game itself but rather the player. It’s about the obsession that begins to boil within an individual as they attempt to master this strategic game. Fixating over a miss-dropped piece or a line drought is nothing out of the ordinary. A game dealing with such perfection is bound to draw some people to their breaking point.

I have encountered numerous parts of my life that have revolved around what most would consider being a silly video game. I am not the player in this story. I am just a by-stander, a number one fan, a girlfriend to a grand Tetris master.